Olof Palme Murder – Case Solved

Filter Magazine uncovers: The man who probably killed Olof Palme, former Prime Minister of Sweden

Olof Palme (1927–1986) was the leader of the Swedish Social Democratic Party 1969–1986. He was a two-term Prime Minister of Sweden 1969–1976, and 1982–1986. He was shot to death on a Stockholm street on the 28th of February 1986. Since then, the case has remained unsolved – despite the largest investigation in Swedish police history.

It has been proved that Stig Engström, known as »the Skandia Man«, was present at the scene when Olof Palme was murdered. Furthermore 1) general and specific witness statements about the killer matched his appearance, 2) he provided information that only the killer could have known, and 3) he lied about his activities during the evening of the murder.

Hence, Stig Engström was part of the Palme murder investigation from day one, but claimed that he was just a witness who had been mixed up with the perpetrator. And the media and the police both believed him.

After twelve years of research into Stig Engström and the Palme assassination, the journalist Thomas Pettersson and Filter Magazine uncover:

• The mistake that made the police stop investigating Engström.

• That Engström had access to the same kind of weapon that was used to murder Olof Palme.

• That Engström had been active in a shooting club.

• That Engström had a political as well as a private motive for murdering Olof Palme.

• That Engström was intoxicated on the evening of the murder, and that he matches the criminal profile and analysis of the crime made by the Swedish National Criminal Police in 1994.

This information was handed over to the Palme investigators, who re-opened the investigation into Engström in the fall of 2017. Engström, who at the time of the murder was 52 years old and worked as a graphic designer at the insurance company Skandia, passed away in 2000.

In an article titled »Den osannolika mördaren« (»The Unlikely Murderer«), published in issue 62 of Filter Magazine, Thomas Pettersson tells the whole story about the Skandia Man and the assassination of Olof Palme. The magazine and article are published on the 23rd of May 2018. In August, a book with the same title will be released in Sweden.

Contact information

Thomas Pettersson (author): acta.skrivkultur[a]telia.com

Mattias Göransson (editor-in-chief): mattias[a]magasinetfilter.se

Oskar Sonn Lindell (communications): oskar[a]magasinetfilter.se

Filter Magazine is a Swedish magazine, founded in 2008. It has been awarded with the Swedish Grand Prize for Journalism, and the Guldspade prize from The Swedish Association of Investigative Journalism. Filter ranked #1 out of 240 magazines when 40 000 Swedes were questioned about magazine quality by research institute Sifo Orvesto.

Publicerades 23 maj 2018. Artikeln är skriven av .